2. Forward Simulations
2. Forward Simulations#
Here we build upon material learned in Notebook 1
This notebook allows Users to play around with their own SPECFEM2D homogeneous halfspace example in an exercise
Objective: Familiarize Users with setting
attributes, adjusting velocity model parameters, and assessing simulation results.These instructions should be run from inside a Docker container, using Jupyter Lab (see instructions here).
Relevant Links:
This Notebook: https://github.com/adjtomo/adjdocs/blob/main/workshops/2024-5-21_scoped_uw/2_forward_simulations.ipynb
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Run cells one-by-one by hitting the \(\blacktriangleright\) button at the top, or by hitting
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1) Set Up a SPECFEM Working Directory#
It is often desireable to run SPECFEM outside of the cloned repository, in order to keep files and outputs manageable
The trick here is that SPECFEM only requires 3 compenents for a sucessful simulation:
# Python packages required for this notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Image
# Create the correct dir. and move there
! mkdir -p /home/scoped/work/specfem2d_workdir
%cd /home/scoped/work/specfem2d_workdir
# Symlink the executables, copy example DATA/, create empty OUTPUT_FILES
! ln -s /home/scoped/specfem2d/bin .
! cp -r /home/scoped/specfem2d/EXAMPLES/Tape2007/DATA .
! ls
2) Experimental Setup: Tape et al. 2007 Example Problem#
We will be working with an Example problem from the Tape et al. 2007 GJI publication
This example pre-defines two models (homogeneous halfspace, checkerboard), multiple (25) seismic sources, and multiple (132) stations
In this section we will use the homogeneous halfspace model
! ls DATA/
DATA/ Directory#
for a homogeneous halfspace model inPar_file_Tape2007_onerec
for a checkerboard model inPar_file_Tape2007_132rec_checker
files in: interfaces_Tape2007.dat and thePar_file_*
files in: model_velocity.dat_checkerSource
files in: the 25 SOURCE_??? filesStations
: in the STATIONS_checker file
2a) The Homogeneous Halfspace Model#
The homogeneous halfspace model in this example is defined internally, in the
A homogeneous halfspace defines single set of properties for the entire domain
We can also use the utility
seisflows sempar velocity_model
command to look at model values
# Bash commands to look at the Par_file
! head -287 DATA/Par_file_Tape2007_onerec | tail -16
! echo "..."
# SeisFlows utility function to look at the Par_file
! seisflows sempar -P DATA/Par_file_Tape2007_onerec velocity_model
Understanding the Velocity Model#
According to the Par_file
comments, the model parameter values represent the following:
model_number 1 rho Vp Vs 0 0 QKappa Qmu 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2600.d0 5800.d0 3500.0d0 0 0 10.d0 10.d0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The homogeneous halfspace model defines a region with P-wave velocity \(V_p=5.8\)km/s and S-wave velocity \(V_s=3.5\)km/s.
The halfspace is also defined by density and attenuation
We can understand the structure of the mesh by looking at the
and theinterfaces_Tape2007.dat
# Look at Mesh parameters to view the size of the domain
! head -306 DATA/Par_file_Tape2007_onerec | tail -n 15
# Look at interface parameters
! cat DATA/interfaces_Tape2007.dat
Understanding the Mesh parameters#
From the files above, we can see that the X and Z dimensions of our mesh range from 0 to 480000.0m
Each dimension is separated into 40 elements (defined by
etc. in thePar_file
and defined by the layer numbers in the interfaces file)That means each spectral element in our 2D mesh spans: 480000m / 40 elements = 12000m / element (or 12km / element)
Also note that above we previously learned that the \(V_s\) model has a homogeneous value of 3.5 km/s
Visualizing the Model#
We can make a simple plot using Matplotlib to illustrate what our mesh might look like
def plot_homogeneous_halfspace():
"""Plots a representation of the SPECFEM2D homogeneous halfspace model"""
# Sets the X and Z dimensions of our mesh
x = np.arange(0, 480001, 4000)
z = np.arange(0, 480001, 4000)
# Reformat the 1D arrays into 2D
xv, zv = np.meshgrid(x, z)
# Set a homogeneous value of Vs=3.5km/s
vs = 3.5 * np.ones(np.shape(xv))
# Plot the arrays as a homogeneous halfspace
plt.tricontourf(xv.flatten(), zv.flatten(), vs.flatten(), cmap="seismic_r", vmin=3.1, vmax=4.)
plt.colorbar(label="Vs [km/s]", format="%.1f")
plt.title("2D Homogeneous Halfspace Model\n Vs=3.5km/s")
# Calls the function we just defined
# Plot grid lines representing each of the spectral elements
for i in range(12000, 480000, 12000):
plt.axvline(i, c="k", lw=0.5)
plt.axhline(i, c="k", lw=0.5)
2b) Visualizing Source-Receiver Geometry#
We can similarly plot the SOURCES and STATIONS available to see what the experiemental setup looks like
This is the same Python-based approach we took in the Day 1A notebook
# Grab coordinates from STATIONS file
sta_x, sta_z = np.genfromtxt("DATA/STATIONS_checker", dtype=float, usecols=[2, 3]).T
# Grab coordinates from each SOURCE file
ev_x, ev_z = [], []
for i in range(1, 26):
source_file = f"DATA/SOURCE_{i:0>3}"
with open(source_file, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Trying to break apart the following line
# 'xs = 299367.72 # source location x in meters\n'
xs = float(lines[2].split("=")[1].split("#")[0].strip())
zs = float(lines[3].split("=")[1].split("#")[0].strip())
# Plot SOURCES and STATIONS together. Annotate names
plt.scatter(ev_x, ev_z, c="y", marker="*", s=100, edgecolor="k")
plt.scatter(sta_x, sta_z, c="c", marker="v", s=20, edgecolor="k")
# Plot SOURCES next to source names
for i, (x, z) in enumerate(zip(ev_x, ev_z)):
plt.scatter(ev_x, ev_z, c="y", marker="*", s=100, edgecolor="k")
plt.text(x, z, f"{i+1:0>3}") # SOURCE numbering starts at 1
plt.title(f"SOURCES; N={len(ev_x)}")
# Plot STATIONS with their names
# Because STATIONS are so close, numbers will be jumbled.
for i, (x, z) in enumerate(zip(sta_x, sta_z)):
plt.scatter(x, z, c="c", marker="v", s=12, edgecolor="k")
plt.text(x, z, f"{i:0>3}", fontsize=9)
plt.title(f"STATIONS; N={len(sta_x)}")
Upside-down blue triangles represent the 132 receivers in this example
The 25 yellow stars are the sources.
3) Running SPECFEM2D#
Before we run the example, we need to do some organizational bookkeeping
We will choose ONE of our source files to act as our source
We will choose ONE stations to act as our station file
3a) Choosing a Source file#
SPECFEM2D will look for a file named
in the DATA/ directory to define its source
# Choose SOURCE_001 as our SOURCE File
# > Make sure that the SOURCE name printed below matches choice
! head -1 DATA/SOURCE
3b) Choosing Stations#
SPECFEM2D will look for a file named
in the DATA/ directory to define its stationsThe
file defines 132 different station locations, we only want oneRemember: Individual synthetic seismograms simply extract the simulated wavefield at a location, i.e., computational expense is not tied to the number of stations.
# Write out a NEW stations file by choosing station numbers
3c) Setting up the Par_file
SPECFEM2D will look for a file called
in the DATA/ directory to set its parametersWe will copy over the
to define our parameter fileWe need to change a few key parameters in the
to run SPECFEM2D with desired behaviorWe use the
seisflows sempar
command to make the changes but this can be done with a text editor, Bash etc.
# Copy in the Example parameter file
! cp -f DATA/Par_file_Tape2007_onerec DATA/Par_file
# Set some necessary parameters for later in the Par_file
! seisflows sempar -P DATA/Par_file nproc 4
! seisflows sempar -P DATA/Par_file use_existing_stations .true.
Understanding Parameter Changes#
: Sets the number of MPI processors to partition the mesh and run the simulation with. This must match the value following -n
in the MPI
: Use the STATIONS file we created, as opposed to the Par_file
definition of stations
3d) Run SPECFEM#
Now that we have set the
file, we are able to runxmeshfem2D
to run our forward simulation.We use 4 MPI processes to run this homogeneous halfspace simulation
We expect only one synthetic seismogram to be output from this simulation
# Ensures we're running with a clean OUTPUT directory
! mpirun -n 4 bin/xmeshfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_meshfem.txt
! mpirun -n 4 bin/xspecfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
! tail OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
3e) Examine Output Files#
Let’s confirm that we have created one displacement seismogram
Then we’ll look at the forward simulation figures to see if things make sense
! echo
! ls OUTPUT_FILES/*.semd
# We can use SeisFlows to plot our waveform
! seisflows plotst OUTPUT_FILES/AA.S000000.BXY.semd --savefig AA.S000000.BXY.png
# We can also look at the wavefield snapshots
# We can also look at the wavefield snapshots
# We can also look at the wavefield snapshots
4) Forward Simulation Exercise#
Participants will now be asked to edit simulation parameters to run their own simulation
Some things that you are asked to try include:
Change the parameters of the homogeneous halfspace model defined in the
Define a STATIONS file with a uniform grid of stations to record synthetics throughout the domain
Choose a different source, or increase the energy released by the source (using the moment tensor)
Re-run the mesher and solver to get new synthetics
Analyze the new results in comparison to the old results
First we set up a working directory for you
! rm -rf /home/scoped/work/exercise_1
! mkdir -p /home/scoped/work/exercise_1
%cd /home/scoped/work/exercise_1
# Symlink the executables, copy example DATA/, create empty OUTPUT_FILES
! ln -s /home/scoped/specfem2d/bin .
! cp -r /home/scoped/specfem2d/EXAMPLES/Tape2007/DATA .
# Set the Par_file
! cp DATA/Par_file_Tape2007_onerec DATA/Par_file
! ls
Task 1: Edit the Velocity Model#
Change the velocity model parameters in the homogeneous halfspace model
Remember, the velocity model is defined in the
Try increasing seismic velocity (Vp and Vs) by 10%
You can use Python, Bash,
seisflows sempar
or a Text Editor to do this
Task 2: Create a New STATIONS File#
Define a STATIONS file that covers the entire domain with a uniform grid spacing of:
dx = 80km
dz = 80km
x_start = 0km
z_start = 0km
Or Create your own station configuration. Some examples: spiral, concentric rings, dense linear array (like DAS)
You can find the X and Z dimensions of the mesh in the
and theinterfaces
file, respectivelyUse Python/NumPy to loop values, or simply write out a text file manually with the text editor
Look at DATA/STATIONS_checker for an example of how the file should look
NOTE: The last two columns (burial, elevation) can be set to 0
Task 3: Choose and edit a SOURCE file#
Use one of the original sources as a template for your new source
Set the location of your source in the exact middle of your domain (or a location of your choice!)
Set the moment tensor (Mxx, Mzz, Mxz) of your event to make this an explosive source (or a mechanism of your choice!)
Don’t change the scaling on the moment tensor
Task 4: Run the Solver and Analyze Outputs#
Run the mesher and solver with your new experimental setup and 4 MPI processes
Remember to tell SPECFEM to use your
file and not its internal representation of stationsRemember to tell SPECFEM that we want to run this with 4 processors
Look at the source images to see if your explosion makes sense
Plot waveforms output from your gridded stations