PI team
Carl Tape: Professor at University of Alaska - Fairbanks
- computational seismologist
- Research Thrust under SCOPED: global synthetics, full waveform inversion for earthquake sources, wave propagation in sedimentary basins
- website
- Github Repos
- contact:
Ebru Bozdag: Associate Professor at Colorado School of Mines
- computational seismologist
- Research Thrust under SCOPED: global wave propagation and full waveform inverison for Earth and Mars Models
- website
- contact:
Marine Denolle: Assistant Professor at the University of Washington
- observational and big-data seismologist
- Research Thrust under SCOPED: cloud workflows for ambient noise seismology, structure monitoring using ambient field, crutal tomography
- website
- Personal Github
, Group Github
- contact: mdenolle - at - uw -dot- edu
Felix Waldhauser: Professor at Columbia University
- observational seismologist
- Research Thrust under SCOPED: precision seismology, ML workflows for end-2-end earhquake catalogs
- website
- contact:
Ian Wang: Research Associate at TACC
- computational, big data seismologist
- Research Thrust under SCOPED: software containerization across platforms, I/O performance for HPC and cloud, big-data management
- website
- Github
Support Postdocs and Students
Yiyu Ni: graduate student at University of Washington
- computational seismologist
- research under SCOPED: cloud optimized workflows for ML end-2-end catalogs, ambient noise seismology, and Distributed Acoustic Sensing data management.
- GitHub Repo