Ambient noise seismology is a fundamental subdiscipline of seismology that extract information about the Earth structure from diffuse waves.
We will test NoisePy, a python package for ambient noise seismology. While the software is currently under active development, we will test its new functionality for-cross correlation on the AWS SCEDC data.
Follow the instructions to launch a cloud instance and install Docker.
Pull the image. This will pull the Docker image named
from the GitHub Container Registry.sudo docker pull
Run the docker image as container. This will launch a Jupyter Lab within the container. The command also forwards port 8888 from the container to port 80 on the EC2 instance (default port of the http service).
sudo docker run -p 80:8888 --rm -it\ nohup jupyter lab --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --IdentityProvider.token=scoped &
Then, follow the instructions to find the Public IP address and open the Jupyter notebook/lab with token scoped