
Ambient noise seismology is a fundamental subdiscipline of seismology that extract information about the Earth structure from diffuse waves.

We will test NoisePy, a python package for ambient noise seismology. While the software is currently under active development, we will test its new functionality for-cross correlation on the AWS SCEDC data.

Follow the instructions to launch a cloud instance and install Docker.

  1. Pull the image. This will pull the Docker image named seisscoped/noisepy from the GitHub Container Registry.

    sudo docker pull
  2. Run the docker image as container. This will launch a Jupyter Lab within the container. The command also forwards port 8888 from the container to port 80 on the EC2 instance (default port of the http service).

    sudo docker run -p 80:8888 --rm -it\
        nohup jupyter lab --no-browser --ip= --allow-root  --IdentityProvider.token=scoped &

Then, follow the instructions to find the Public IP address and open the Jupyter notebook/lab with token scoped.