Software Carpentry Training


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Software Carpentry is a fantastic organization that teaches basic lab skills for research computing.

If you are new to Git, Linux, Python, please set aside a day or two to go over these materials in advance.

Getting ready

Please take a minute before the workshop to go over the GitHub instructions, create an account.


We will be using the JupyterHub () throughout this workshop. We encourage you to test your connection to JupyterHub before the training.


Jupyter, Git, and Unix Shell

We recommend the following these lessons:

Below is an example of a time schedule if you choose to take these self-guided lessons:



9:00 to 9:15 AM

Introductions and getting connected

9:15 to 9:25 AM

Getting connected to JupyterHub environment via GitHub

9:25 to 9:35 AM

Orientation to the JupyterHub environment

9:35 to 10:25 AM

Unix Shell (Topics 1 to 3)

10:25 to 10:45 AM


10:45 AM to 12:45 PM

Git/GitHub (Topics 1 to 5)

Python Programming Language

Wse recommeng using these



9 to 9:30 AM

Jupyter Notebooks, running Python code, Topics 1 to 3

9:40 to 9:50 AM


9:50 to 10:50 AM

variables, datatypes, libraries, Topics 3,4,6

10:50 to 11:00 AM


11:00 to 11:50 AM

lists, for loops, conditionals, functions Topics 11,12,13,16

11:50 AM to 12:00 PM

Wrap-up, question and answer period